2009:논문, 잡지, 책
1.Existing states of hydrogen in steels including various structural factors - experimental approach -
(각종 조직인자를 포함한 강중 수소의 존재상태해석에 관한 실험적연구)
- 다카이 켄이치*1, 스즈키 게이시*1
- *1 죠지대학 이공학부
- 22009년 제1회 철강재료의 혁신적 고강도·고기능화 기판 연구개발 프로젝트 심포지엄 강연 예고집
2.Detection of hydrogen in neutron-irradiated nickel using positron lifetime spectroscopy
- C.He*1,T.Yoshiie*1,Q.Xu*1,K.Sato*1,S.Peneva*2,T.D.Troev*2
- *1 Research Reactor Institute,Kyoto University *2 Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy
- Philosophia Magazine(Eng.), Vol89, No.14, 11 May 2009, 1183-1195
3.Suppression of Cu Oxidation Using Environmentally Friendly Inhibitors under Conditions of High Temperature and High Humidity for Cu/Low-k
- Makoto Hara, Daisuke Watanabe, Chiharu Kimura, Hidemitsu Aoki, and Takashi Sugino
- *Division of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, Osaka University
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 48 (2009) 04C016 (4 pages)
4.Reaction Mechanism of SOFC Anode with Proton Conductor BCY
( 프로톤전도체 BCY첨가SOFC연료극의 반응기구)
- *Kohei Masuda, Katsunori Hanamura
- Research Center for Carbon Recycling and Energy, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- 第18回SOFC研究発表会講演要旨集(159C)
5.High-Quality SiO2 Film Formation below 400℃ by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Tetraethoxysilane Source Gas
- Hirokazu Ueda, Yusuke Ohsawa, Yoshinobu Tanaka, Toshihisa Nozawa
- Tokyo Electron Technology Development Lnstitute Inc.
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 48(2009)
6.Improvement of Dielectric Properties on Deposited Sio2 Caused by Stress Relaxation with Thermal Annealing
- Mitsuru Sometani*1, Ryu Hasunuma*1*2, Masaaki Ogino*3, Hitoshi Kuribayashi*3, Yoshiyuki Sugahara*3, Kikuo Yamabe*1*2
- *1)Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba
- *2)Tsukuba Research Center for Interdisciplinay Materials Science(TIMS), University of Tsukuba
- *3)Semiconductor Process R&D Sectioin, Semiconductor Process R&D Department, Electron Device Laboratory, Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd.,
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 48(2009)
7.Study on thermal stability of Li1-x(NiaMnbCoc)O2
(Ni-Mn-Co 3원계 정극재료의 열안정성 검토)
- 코니시 히로아키, 유아사 토요 타카, 요시카와 마사노리, 히라노 타츠미, 테라다 쇼헤이, 다카마쓰 대교,
- 히타치 제작소 히타치 연구소
- 제50회 전지 토론회 (Nov.30-Dec.2, 2009)
8.Nature of doped a-Si: H/ c-Si interface recombination
- Stefaan De Wolf*1, Michio Kondo*2
- *1)Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Photovoltaics and Thin Film Electronics Laboratory, *2)National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 105, 103707 (2009)
9.Porous Carbon Obtained by Carbonization of PET Mixed with Basic Magnesium Carbonate: Pore Structure and Pore Creation Mechanism
- Jacek Przepiorski*1, Justyna Karolczyk*1, Kazuhiro Takeda*2, Tomoki Tsumura*2, Masahiro Toyoda*2 and Antoni W. Morawski*1
- *1)Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, West Pomeranian University of Technology, *2)Faculty of Engineering, Oita University
- Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2009, 48 (15), pp 7110-7116
1.Hydrogen Desorption Spectra using Thermal Desorption Spectrometer Detected from Low-Temperature
( 저온 승온이탈 분석장치를 이용한 수소방출 스펙트럼)
- (학) 사토 유타 * 1, (원) 후지타 케이 * 1, 스즈키 케이지 * 1, 타카이 켄이치 * 1, 하기와라 행인 * 1, 이시카와 노부유키 * 2
- 철강재료의 혁신적 고강도·고기능화 기반 연구개발연구체(JRCM:(재)금속계재료연구개발센터) *1 죠지대학 이공학부
- 2009년 춘계철강협회학회대회 요지(수소취화) CAMP-ISIJ Vol.22(2009)-599
2008:논문,잡지, 책
1.LaAlO3 gate dielectric with ultrathin equivalent oxide thickness and ultralow leakage current directly deposited on Si substrate
- Masamichi Suzuki, Takeshi Yamaguchi, Noburu Fukushima, Masato Koyama
- Advanced LSI Technology Laboratory, Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corporation
- J. Appl. Phys. 103, 034118 (2008); DOI:10.1063/1.2838470 Published 15 February 2008
2.Plasma damage mechanisms for low-k porous SiOCH films due to radiation, radicals, and ions in the plasma etching process
- Saburo Uchida*1, Seigo Takashima*1, Masaru Hori*1, Masanaga Fukasawa*1, Keiji Ohshima*2, Kazunori Nagahata*2, Tetsuya Tatsumi*2
- *1Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University,
- 2Process Technology Department, Semiconductor Technology Development Division, Semiconductor Business Group, Sony Corporation
- J. Appl. Phys. 103, 073303 (2008); DOI:10.1063/1.2891787 Published 7 April 2008
3.Thermal Stability of HfO2 Films Fabricated by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Yoshitaka Nagasato, Yoshitaka Iwazaki, Masahiko Hasumi, Tomo Ueno, Koichi Kuroiwa
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 47, No. 1, 2008, pp. 31-34
4.Highly Reliable Cu Interconnect Using Low-Hydrogen Silicon Nitride Film Deposited at Low Temperature as Cu-Diffusion Barrier
- Tatsunori Murata, Kazushi Kono, Yoshikazu Tsunemine, Masahiko Fujisawa, Masazumi Matuura, Koyu Asai, Masayuki Kojima
- Process Technology Development Division, Renesas Technology Corporation
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 47, No. 4, 2008, pp. 2488-2491
5.Hydrogen Interaction with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
- Kumiko Yoshihara, Kazuhiro Ishida, Winadda Wongwiriyapan, Satoshi Inoue, Yusuke Okabayashi,Shin-ichi Honda, Yoshihiro Nishimoto*1, Yuji Kuwahara1, Kenjiro Oura*2, and Mitsuhiro Katayama
- Division of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University,
- *1Division of Precision Science and Technology and Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, *2Research Center for Ultrahigh Voltage Electron Microscopy, Osaka University,
- Applied Physics Express 1 (2008) 094001, May 15, 2008; accepted July 26, 2008; published online August 22, 2008
6.Defect passivation and homogenization of amorphous oxide thin-film transistor by wet O2 annealing
- Kenji Nomura*1, Toshio Kamiya*1*2, Hiromichi Ohta*1, Masahiro Hirano*1*3, Hideo Hosono*1*2*3,
- *1)ERATO-SORST, JST, in Frontier Research Center, Mail Box S2-13, Tokyo Institute of Technology, *2)Materials and Structures Laboratory, Mail Box R3-1, Tokyo Institute of Technology, *3)Frontier Research Center, Mail Box S2-13, Tokyo Institute of Technology,
7.Hydrogen desorption effect on cathodoluminescence of ZnO
- B.Dierre*1*2, X.L. Yuan*1, T. Ishigaki*3, K. Ueda*4 and T. Sekiguchi*1*2
- *1)Advanced Electronic Materials Center, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), *2)Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, *3)Nano Ceramics Center, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), *4)Nano High-Tech Research Center, Graduate School of Engineering, Toyota Technological Institute
- Superlattices and Microstructures, Volume 45, Issue 4-5, p. 321-325(2008)
8.Approach for detecting localization of inkjet ink components using dynamic-SIMS analysis
- Masaya Shibatani*1*2, Tsutomu Asakawa*3, Toshiharu Enomae*1, Akira Isogai*1
- *1)Paper Science Laboratory,Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences,The University of Tokyo, *2)IJ Industrial Applications R&D Department,Production Engineering &Development Div.,Seiko Epson Corporation,
- *3)Material Analysis &Research Center,R&D Department,Seiko Epson Corporation,Japan
- Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 326 (2008)61 ‐66
9.In-Line Wafer Level Hermetic Packages for MEMS Variable Capacitor
- Susumu Obata*1, Michinobu Inoue*1, Takeshi Miyagi*1, Ikuo Mori*1,Yoshiaki
- Sugizaki*2,Yoshiaki Shimooka*2, Akihiro Kojima*2, Mitsuyoshi Endo*2, Hideki Shibata*2
- *1)Corporate Manufacturing Engineering Center, Toshiba Corporation.
- *2) Center for Semiconductor Research and Development, Semiconductor Company, Toshiba Corporation
- 2008 Electronic Components and Technology Conference (P.163)
1.Hydrogen Desorption Spectra using Thermal Desorption Spectrometer Detected from Low-Temperature
( 저온 승온이탈 분석장치를 이용한 수소방출 스펙트럼)
- 사토 유타*1, 후지타 케이*1, 스즈키 케이지*1, 다카이 켄이치*1, 하기와라 행인*1, 마에시마 쿠니코*2, 미야바시 노부라*2
- 철강재료의 혁신적 고강도·고기능화 기반 연구개발연구체(JRCM:(재)금속계 재료연구개발센터)
- *1 죠지대학 이공학부*2 전자과학 주식회사
- 2008년 추계철강협회 학회대회 요지(수소취화) CAMP-ISIJ Vol.21(2008)-1375
2.Hydrogen evolution spectra of pure iron including various lattice defects using low-thermal desorption spectrometry
( 저온 승온이탈분석법에 의한 각종격자결함을 가진 순철의 수소방출 스펙트럼)
- 후지타 케이*1, 사토 유타*1, 스즈키 케이지*1, 타카이 켄이치*1, 하기와라 행인*1,
- 철강재료의 혁신적 고강도·고기능화 기반 연구개발연구체(JRCM:(재)금속계 재료연구개발센터)
- *1 죠지대학 이공학부*2 전자과학 주식회사
- 2008년 추계철강협회 학회대회 요지(수소취화) CAMP-ISIJ Vol.21(2008)-1375
3.Understanding of Passivation Mechanism in Heterojunction c-Si Solar Cells
- Michio Kondo*1, Stefaan De Wolf*1*2, and Hiroyuki Fujiwara*1
- *1)RCPV, AIST, Umezono, Tsukuba, 305-8568, Japan, *2)Institute of Microtechnique, University of Neuchatel
- Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol.1066, 2008 Materials Research Society, 1066-A03-01
2007:논문, 잡지, 책
1.Internal structure transition of spin-on glass by electron beam irradiation
- Makoto Araki*1, Jun Taniguchi*2, Nobuo Sawada*3, Takayuki Utsumi*1, Iwao Miyamoto*2
- *1 Department of Electronics and Computer Science,Tokyo University of Science, *2 Department of Applied Electronics,Tokyo University of Science, *3 ESCO Ltd.
- Applied Surface Science,253,5191-5195(2007)
2. 티타늄의 캐릭터와 생체내 지연 파괴
- 아사오카 겐조
- 도쿠시마 대학 대학원 헬스 바이오 사이언스 연구부 생체 재료 공학 분야
- 치과 재료 및 계기, 26,334(2007)
3.Influence of Thermal Annealing on Microstructures of Zinc Oxide Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering
- Takahiro HIRAMATSU*1*3, Mamoru FURUTA*2*3, Hiroshi FURUTA*2*3,Tokiyoshi MATSUDA*2*3, and Takashi HIRAO*2*3
- *1 Kochi Casio Co., Ltd., Nankoku, Kochi 783-0062, Japan *2 Research Institute, Kochi University of Technology, Kami, Kochi 782-8502, Japan *3 Kochi Industrial Promotion Center, Kami, Kochi 782-8502, Japan
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 46, No. 6A, 2007, pp. 3319?3323
4.Diffusion properties of point defects in barium strontium titanate thin films.
- Morito K*1, Suzuki T*1, Kishi H, Sakaguchi I*2, Ohashi N*2*3, Haneda H*2*3
- *1)Taiyo Yuden Company Ltd.,*2)Nat. Inst. for Mater. Sci.,*3)Department of Applied Science for Electronics and Materials, Kyusyu University
- IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectrorics Freq Control. 2007 Dec;54(12):2567-73.
5.Chlorinated Nanocrystalline TiO2 Powders via One-Step Ar/O2 Radio Frequency Thermal Plasma Oxidizing Mists of TiCl3 Solution: Phase Structure and Photocatalytic Performance
- Ji-Guang Li, Masashi Ikeda, Chengchun Tang, Yusuke Moriyoshi, Hiromi Hamanaka, and Takamasa Ishigaki
- *1)Nano Ceramics Center, National Institute for Materials Science, *2)Department of Materials Science, Hosei University, *3)Nanoscale Materials Center, National Institute for Materials Science
- J. Phys. Chem. C, 2007, 111 (49), pp 18018-18024
6.Internal structure transition of spin-on glass by electron beam irradiation.
- Makoto Araki*1, Jun Taniguchi*2, Nobuo Sawada*3, Takayuki Utsumi*1 and Iwao Miyamoto*2
- *1)Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Tokyo University of Science, *2)Department of Applied Electronics, Tokyo University of Science, *3)ESCO Ltd.
- Applied Surface Science, 253(12), pp.5191-5195(2007)
7.Metal induced hydrogen effusion from amorphous silicon
- Hiromasa Ohmi*1, Kiyoshi Yasutake*1, Yoshinori Hamaoka*2, and Hiroaki Kakiuchi*2
- *1)Department of Precision Science and Technology and Research Center for Ultra Precision Science and Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University *2)Department of Precision Science and Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
- Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 241901 (2007)
1. 승온이탈법에 의한 중강 알루미늄 합금 중의 수소의 해석
(Assessment of the hydrogen in some medium-strength aluminum alloys)
- 伊토 고로(G.Itoh)*1, 스즈키 토모야(T.Suzuki)*1, 이즈미 타카히로(T.Izumi)*1, 이토 신에이(N.Itoh)*1, 최지(Q.Cui)* 2, 호리카와 슈헤이(S.Horikawa)*3, 이나미 타카오(T.Inami)*4
- * 1 이바라키 대학 (Ibaraki University), * 2 미쓰비시 알루미늄 (주) (Mitsubishi Aluminum Company, Ltd.), * 3 전자 과학 (주) (ESCO, Ltd.), * 4 (사) 일본 알루미늄 협회 (Japan Aluminium Association)
- (사) 경금속 학회 주최 제112회 춘기 강연 대회(The 112th Conference of Japan Institute of Light Metals by The Japan Institute of Light Metals)
2. 승온이탈법에 의한 순알루미늄 중의 수소의 트랩 상태의 조사
(Thermal desorption spectroscopy study on the hydrogen trapping states in a pure aluminum.)
- 이토 고로(G.Itoh)*1, 이즈미 타카히로(T.Izumi)*1, 호리카와 슈헤이(S.Horikawa)*2
- * 1 이바라키 대학 (Ibaraki University), * 2 전자 과학 (주) (ESCO, Ltd.)
- (사) 경금속 학회 주최 제113회 가을 강연 대회(The 113th Conference of Japan Institute of Light Metals by The Japan Institute of Light Metals)
3.Influence of Hydrogen Permeability of Liner Nitride Film on Program/Erase Endurance of Split-Gate Type Flash EEPROMS
- Ziyuan Liu*1, Shinji Fujieda*2, Fumihiko Hayashi*3, Masakuni Shimizu*3, Masashi Nakata*3,Hirokazu Ishigaki*3,Markus Wilde*4, and Katsuyuki Fukutan*4
- *1Test and Analysis Engineering Division, NEC Electronics Croporation, *2 System Devices Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation, *3 2nd Microcomputer Division, NEC Electronics Croporation, *4Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
4.6061알미늄합금에서 수소의 존재상태에 미치는 소성가공의 영향
(Effect of plastic deformation on the states of hydrogen in a 6061 alminum alloy)
- 이토 고로(G.Itoh)*1, 스즈키 토모야(T.Suzuki)*1, 이즈미 타카히로(T.Izumi)*1, 이토 노부히데(N.Itoh)*1, 야스다 가타(H.Yabuta)* 2
- *1 이바라키 대학(Ibaraki University), *2 (사) 일본 알루미늄 협회(Japan Aluminium Association)
- (사) 경금속 학회 주최 제113회 가을 강연 대회(The 113th Conference of Japan Institute of Light Metals by The Japan Institute of Light Metals)
5.Damage-free Etching Processes of Low Dielectric (Low-k) Films Using the Neutral Beam
- 사가와 세이지(Seiji Samukawa)*1, 진나이 부작(Butsurin Jinnai)*1
- *1 도호쿠 대학 유체 과학 연구소
- Materials Research Society 2007 SPRING MEETING
6.Hydrogen Degradation Property of Electrochemically Charged Aluminum.
- Hiroshi Suzuki, Daisuke Kobayashi, Kenichi Takai and Yukito Hagihara
- 죠지대학 이공학부 기능창조이공학과
- Materials Research Society 2007 FALL MEETING
2006:논문, 잡지, 책
1.P-type activation of AlGaN by hydrogen desorption using catalytic Ni films
- T.Naono*1,H.Fujioka*2,J.Okabayashi*3,M.Oshima*3,H.miki*4
- *1)Department of Applied Chemistry,The University of Tokyo, *2)Institute of Industrial Science,The University of Tokyo and Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology, *3)Department of Applied Chemistry,The University of Tokyo, *4)Showa Denko KK
- APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,88(15),152114(2006)
2.Modeling Thermal Desorption Analysis of Hydrogen in Steel
- M.Enomoto*1, D.Hirakami*2, T.Tarui*2
- *1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University, Hitachi 316-8511 Japan *2 Stell Research Laboratories, Nippon Steel Corporation, Chiba 293-8511 Japan
- ISIJ International, Vol46(2006),No.9pp.1381-1387
3.Step-wise decomposition process of azobenzene self-assembled monolayers
- M. Onoue*1, M.R. Han*1, E. Ito*1 and M. Hara*1*2
- *1)Local Spatio-Temporal Functions Laboratory, Frontier Research System, RIKEN, *2)Interdisciplinary School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Surface Science, 600(18), pp.3999-4003(2006)
4.Urea Coordinated Titanium Trichloride TiIII[OC(NH)2]6Cl3: A Single Molecular Precursor Yielding Highly Visible Light Responsive TiO2 Nanocrystallites
- Ji-Guang Li, Xiaojing Yang, and Takamasa Ishigaki
- *1)National Institute for Materials Science, Nano Ceramics Center, *2)National Institute for Materials Science, Advanced Materials Laboratory, *3)College of Chemistry, P.O. Box S-46, Beijing Normal University
- J. Phys. Chem. B, 2006, 110 (30), pp 14611-14618
5.Thermal-desorption induced enhancement and patterning of ultraviolet emission in chemically grown ZnO
- Rongguo Xie*1*2, Dongsheng Li*1, Deren Yang*1*4, Takashi Sekiguchi*2 and Minhua Jiang*1*3
- *1)State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, People’s Republic of China, *2)Nanomaterials Laboratory, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba 305-0047, Japan, *3)State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, People’s Republic of China ,*4)Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed
- Nanotechnology 17(2006)2789-2793
6.Temperature programmed desorption of F-doped SnO2 films deposited by inverted pyrosol technique
- S. Aukkaravittayapun*1, C. Thanachayanont*1, T. Theapsiri*2, W. Veerasai*2, Y. Sawada*3, T. Kondo*3, S. Tokiwa*4 and T. Nishide*4
- *1)National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC), *2)Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, *3)Department of Industrial Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University, *4)Department of Materials Chemistry and Engineering, College of Nihon University
- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 85 (2006) 3, 811-815
7.Pure germanium nitride formation by atomic nitrogen radicals for application to Ge metal-insulator-semiconductor structures
- Tatsuro Maeda*1, Tetsuji Yasuda*1, Masayasu Nishizawa*1, Noriyuki Miyata*1, Yukinori Morita*1, Shinichi Takagi*1*2
- *1)MIRAI Project, ASRC-AIST, *2)The University of Tokyo
- JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 100,014101 (2006)
8.Solution-processed silicon films and transistors
- Tatsuya Shimoda*1, Yasuo Matsuki*2, Masahiro Furusawa*1, Takashi Aoki*1, Ichio Yudasaka*1, Hideki Tanaka*1, Haruo Iwasawa*2, Daohai Wang*2, Masami Miyasaka*1, Yasumasa Takeuchi*2
- *1)Technology Platform Research Center, Seiko Epson Corporation, *2)Fine Electronic Research Laboratories, JSR Corporation
- Nature LETTERS, Vol.440, 6 April 2006, doi;10.1038/nature04613
1. 순티탄 중의 고용 수소와 수소화물의 상태 분리와 취화·회복 거동
- 키리 노조미, 야마다 히로키, 스즈키 케이지, 타카이 켄이치, 하기와라 코우진
- 죠지대학 이공학부 기능 창조 이공학과
- 제138회 일본 금속 학회 강연 개요(2006 봄):J1
2.Au (111)상의 티오펜 티올 자기 조직화 단분자막의 흡착 상태
- 이토 에이스케*1, Jaegeun Noh*2, 하라 마사히코*1,*3
- *1 (독) 이화학연구소 국소시공간, *2 한양대화학, *3 도코우대학 공대 종합이공
- 제53회 응용 물리학 관계 연합 강연회(2006 봄):24p-N-8
3. 수분에 의한 질화붕소탄소(BCN) 박막의 특성변화
- 시마 히데카즈, 기무라 치하루, 아오키 히데미츠, 스기노 타카시
- 오사카 대학 대학원 공학 연구과
- 제53회 응용 물리학 관계 연합 강연회(2006 봄):24a-Q-9
4.Effect of Surface Oxide Films on Degradation of Titanium
- 사오카 겐조*1, 마에시마 구니코*2
- *1 도쿠시마 대학 대학원 헬스 바이오사이언스 연구부, *2 전자과학(주)
5.Surface Passivation Properties of Stacked Doped PECVD a-Si:H Layers for Hetero-Structure c-Si Solar Cells.
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2005:논문, 잡지, 책
1. 산소 분위기 하에서 수산 아파타이트의 소성
- 이시카와 츠요시
- 펜탁스 (주) 뉴 세라믹스 사업부 개발부
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2. 승온이탈 분석에 의한 티타늄의 침식에 대한 산화막의 작용 평가
- 아사오카 겐조*1, 마에시마 구니코*2
- *1 도쿠시마 대학 대학원 헬스 바이오 사이언스 연구부 생체 재료 공학 분야, *2 전자 과학 주식회사
- 치과 재료 및 계기, 24,439(2005)
3.Temperature Dependence of Porogen Desorption from Low-k Porous Silica Filmes Incorporated with Ethylene Groups
- Yasutaka UCHIDA, Yoshiyuki MARUYAMA, Tomohiro KATOH, Yoshito ITO and Koichi ISHIDA
- Department of Media Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Teikyo University of Science and Technology
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 44,2316(2005)
4. 에틸렌 기 함유 다공성 실리카 막의 HOLE 평가
- 우치다 쿄케이*1, 오히라 슌유*2, 스즈키 료이치*2, 마루야마 키유키*1, 카토 토모히로*1, 이시다 히로이치*1
- *1 테이쿄 과학대학 이공학부, *2 산업기술종합연구소 계측 프론티어 연구부문
- 신학 기보 TECHNICAL REPORT OF IEICE.SDM2004-238.17(2007)
5.Interstitial oxygen molecules in amorphous SiO2. I. Quantitative concentration analysis by thermal desorption, infrared photoluminescence, and vacuum-ultraviolet optical absorption
- Koichi Kajihara*1, Masahiro Hirano*1, Motoko Uramoto*2, Yukihiro Morimoto*2, Linards Skuja*3, Hideo Hosono*4
- *1 Tokyo Institute of Technology, *2Research and Development Center, Ushio Inc., *3Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia *4Materials and Structures Laboratory and Frontier Collaborative Research Center
- J. Appl. Phys. 98, 013527 (2005); DOI:10.1063/1.1943504 Published 11 July 2005
1. TDS를 이용한 SOG의 전자빔 노광 메커니즘의 분석
- 아라키 마코토*1, 타니구치 준*2, 미야모토 이와오*2, 사와다 노부오*3
- *1 도쿄이과대학 기초공학연구과 전자응용공학전공, *2 도쿄이과대학 기초공학부 전자응용공학과, *3전자과학(주)
- 2005년도 정밀공학회 춘계대회
2. 티탄 산화막과 수소의 승온이탈 거동
- 아사오카 겐조*1, 마에시마 구니코*2
- *1 도쿠시마대·생체재료, *2 전자과학(주)
- 제27회 일본 바이오머티리얼 학회 대회(2005):B-405
3. 아조벤젠기를 갖는 디티올 분자 SAM의 TDS 및 XPS에 의한 열 안정성 평가
- 오가미 미키*1, Mina Han*1, 이토 에이스케*1, 하라마사히코*1,*2
- *1 이연 국소 시공간 기능, *2 도코우대 종합이공
- 제52회 응용 물리학 관계 연합 강연회(2005):29p-YB-9
4. 티탄의 침식과 산화 피막의 작용
- 아사오카 겐조*1, 마에시마 쿠니코*2, 세자키 히데타카*3
- *1 도쿠시마대·생체재료, *2 전자과학(주), *3 도쿠시마대·공·기계
- 제45회 일본치과이공학회 학술강연회(2005):A-13
- 치과 재료 및 계기, 24(2),79(2005)에 게재
5. 에틸렌 기 함유 다공성 실리카 막의 HOLE 평가
- 우치다 쿄케이*1, 오히라 슌유*2, 스즈키 료이치*2, 마루야마 키유키*1, 카토 토모히로*1, 이시다 히로이치*1
- *1 테이쿄 과학대학 이공학부, *2 산업기술종합연구소 계측 프론티어 연구부문
- 응용 물리 학회 실리콘 기술 분과회 요약, 16 (2005)
6.Application of Gold-Tin Solder Paste for Fine Parts and Devices
- Masayuki Ishikawa, Hayato Sasaki, *Satoko Ogawa, Masayoshi Kohinata, Akifumi Mishima, Hideaki Yoshida
- Development Section, Sanda Plant, Advanced Products Strategic Company, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
- 2005 Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 701