
2005~2009 - ESCO | 电子科学股份有限公司



1.Existing states of hydrogen in steels including various structural factors - experimental approach -

  • 高井健一*1,铃木启史*1
  • *1上智大学理工学部
  • 2009年第1届钢铁材料的革新性高强度、高功能化基板研究开发项目 研讨会演讲预稿集

2.Detection of hydrogen in neutron-irradiated nickel using positron lifetime spectroscopy

  • C.He*1,T.Yoshiie*1,Q.Xu*1,K.Sato*1,S.Peneva*2,T.D.Troev*2
  • *1 Research Reactor Institute,Kyoto University *2 Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy
  • Philosophia Magazine(Eng.), Vol89, No.14, 11 May 2009, 1183-1195

3.Suppression of Cu Oxidation Using Environmentally Friendly Inhibitors under Conditions of High Temperature and High Humidity for Cu/Low-k

  • Makoto Hara, Daisuke Watanabe, Chiharu Kimura, Hidemitsu Aoki, and Takashi Sugino
  • *Division of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, Osaka University
  • Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 48 (2009) 04C016 (4 pages)

4.Reaction Mechanism of SOFC Anode with Proton Conductor BCY

  • *Kohei Masuda, Katsunori Hanamura
  • Research Center for Carbon Recycling and Energy, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • 第18届SOFC研究发表会讲演要旨集(159C)

5.High-Quality SiO2 Film Formation below 400℃ by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Tetraethoxysilane Source Gas

  • Hirokazu Ueda, Yusuke Ohsawa, Yoshinobu Tanaka, Toshihisa Nozawa
  • Tokyo Electron Technology Development Lnstitute Inc.
  • Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 48(2009)

6.Improvement of Dielectric Properties on Deposited Sio2 Caused by Stress Relaxation with Thermal Annealing

  • Mitsuru Sometani*1, Ryu Hasunuma*1*2, Masaaki Ogino*3, Hitoshi Kuribayashi*3, Yoshiyuki Sugahara*3, Kikuo Yamabe*1*2
  • *1)Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba
  • *2)Tsukuba Research Center for Interdisciplinay Materials Science(TIMS), University of Tsukuba
  • *3)Semiconductor Process R&D Sectioin, Semiconductor Process R&D Department, Electron Device Laboratory, Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd.,
  • Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 48(2009)

7.Study on thermal stability of Li1-x(NiaMnbCoc)O2

  • 小西宏明、汤浅丰隆、吉川正则、平野辰巳、寺田尚平、高松大郊;
  • 日立公司日立研究所
  • 第50届电池讨论会(Nov.30-Dec.2,2009)

8.Nature of doped a-Si: H/ c-Si interface recombination

  • Stefaan De Wolf*1, Michio Kondo*2
  • *1)Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Photovoltaics and Thin Film Electronics Laboratory, *2)National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
  • JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 105, 103707 (2009)

9.Porous Carbon Obtained by Carbonization of PET Mixed with Basic Magnesium Carbonate: Pore Structure and Pore Creation Mechanism

  • Jacek Przepiorski*1, Justyna Karolczyk*1, Kazuhiro Takeda*2, Tomoki Tsumura*2, Masahiro Toyoda*2 and Antoni W. Morawski*1
  • *1)Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, West Pomeranian University of Technology, *2)Faculty of Engineering, Oita University
  • Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2009, 48 (15), pp 7110-7116


1.Hydrogen Desorption Spectra using Thermal Desorption Spectrometer Detected from Low-Temperature

  • (学)佐藤勇太*1,(院)藤田圭*1,铃木启史*1,高井健一*1,萩原行人
  • *1,石川信行*2
  • 钢铁材料的创新高强度,高功能基础研究开发研究体(JRCM:金属系材料研究开发中心*1上智大学理工学部*2JFE钢株式会社钢研究所
  • 2009年春季钢铁协会学会大会要旨(氢脆)CAMP-ISIJ Vol.22(2009)-599


1.LaAlO3 gate dielectric with ultrathin equivalent oxide thickness and ultralow leakage current directly deposited on Si substrate

  • Masamichi Suzuki, Takeshi Yamaguchi, Noburu Fukushima, Masato Koyama
  • Advanced LSI Technology Laboratory, Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corporation
  • J. Appl. Phys. 103, 034118 (2008); DOI:10.1063/1.2838470 Published 15 February 2008

2.Plasma damage mechanisms for low-k porous SiOCH films due to radiation, radicals, and ions in the plasma etching process

  • Saburo Uchida*1, Seigo Takashima*1, Masaru Hori*1, Masanaga Fukasawa*1, Keiji Ohshima*2, Kazunori Nagahata*2, Tetsuya Tatsumi*2
  • *1Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University,
  • 2Process Technology Department, Semiconductor Technology Development Division, Semiconductor Business Group, Sony Corporation
  • J. Appl. Phys. 103, 073303 (2008); DOI:10.1063/1.2891787 Published 7 April 2008

3.Thermal Stability of HfO2 Films Fabricated by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition

  • Yoshitaka Nagasato, Yoshitaka Iwazaki, Masahiko Hasumi, Tomo Ueno, Koichi Kuroiwa
  • Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 47, No. 1, 2008, pp. 31-34

4.Highly Reliable Cu Interconnect Using Low-Hydrogen Silicon Nitride Film Deposited at Low Temperature as Cu-Diffusion Barrier

  • Tatsunori Murata, Kazushi Kono, Yoshikazu Tsunemine, Masahiko Fujisawa, Masazumi Matuura, Koyu Asai, Masayuki Kojima
  • Process Technology Development Division, Renesas Technology Corporation
  • Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 47, No. 4, 2008, pp. 2488-2491

5.Hydrogen Interaction with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

  • Kumiko Yoshihara, Kazuhiro Ishida, Winadda Wongwiriyapan, Satoshi Inoue, Yusuke Okabayashi,Shin-ichi Honda, Yoshihiro Nishimoto*1, Yuji Kuwahara1, Kenjiro Oura*2, and Mitsuhiro Katayama
  • Division of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University,
  • *1Division of Precision Science and Technology and Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, *2Research Center for Ultrahigh Voltage Electron Microscopy, Osaka University,
  • Applied Physics Express 1 (2008) 094001, May 15, 2008; accepted July 26, 2008; published online August 22, 2008

6.Defect passivation and homogenization of amorphous oxide thin-film transistor by wet O2 annealing

  • Kenji Nomura*1, Toshio Kamiya*1*2, Hiromichi Ohta*1, Masahiro Hirano*1*3, Hideo Hosono*1*2*3,
  • *1)ERATO-SORST, JST, in Frontier Research Center, Mail Box S2-13, Tokyo Institute of Technology, *2)Materials and Structures Laboratory, Mail Box R3-1, Tokyo Institute of Technology, *3)Frontier Research Center, Mail Box S2-13, Tokyo Institute of Technology,
  • APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 93, 192107 2008

7.Hydrogen desorption effect on cathodoluminescence of ZnO

  • B.Dierre*1*2, X.L. Yuan*1, T. Ishigaki*3, K. Ueda*4 and T. Sekiguchi*1*2
  • *1)Advanced Electronic Materials Center, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), *2)Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, *3)Nano Ceramics Center, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), *4)Nano High-Tech Research Center, Graduate School of Engineering, Toyota Technological Institute
  • Superlattices and Microstructures, Volume 45, Issue 4-5, p. 321-325(2008)

8.Approach for detecting localization of inkjet ink components using dynamic-SIMS analysis

  • Masaya Shibatani*1*2, Tsutomu Asakawa*3, Toshiharu Enomae*1, Akira Isogai*1
  • *1)Paper Science Laboratory,Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences,The University of Tokyo, *2)IJ Industrial Applications R&D Department,Production Engineering &Development Div.,Seiko Epson Corporation,
  • *3)Material Analysis &Research Center,R&D Department,Seiko Epson Corporation,Japan
  • Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 326 (2008)61 ‐66

9.In-Line Wafer Level Hermetic Packages for MEMS Variable Capacitor

  • Susumu Obata*1, Michinobu Inoue*1, Takeshi Miyagi*1, Ikuo Mori*1,Yoshiaki
  • Sugizaki*2,Yoshiaki Shimooka*2, Akihiro Kojima*2, Mitsuyoshi Endo*2, Hideki Shibata*2
  • *1)Corporate Manufacturing Engineering Center, Toshiba Corporation.
  • *2) Center for Semiconductor Research and Development, Semiconductor Company, Toshiba Corporation
  • 2008 Electronic Components and Technology Conference (P.163)


1.Hydrogen Desorption Spectra using Thermal Desorption Spectrometer Detected from Low-Temperature

  • 佐藤勇太*1,藤田圭*1,铃木启史*1,高井健一*1,萩原行人*1,前岛邦光*2,宫林延良*2
  • 钢铁材料的创新高强度,高功能基础研究开发研究体(JRCM:(财)金属系材料研究开发中心)
  • *1上智大学理工系*2电子科学株式会社
  • 2008年秋季钢铁协会学会大会要旨(氢脆)CAMP-ISIJ Vol.21(2008)-1375

2.Hydrogen evolution spectra of pure iron including various lattice defects using low-thermal desorption spectrometry

  • 藤田圭*1,佐藤勇太*1,铃木启史*1,高井健一*1,萩原行人*1,
  • 钢铁材料的创新高强度,高功能基础研究开发研究体(JRCM:(财)金属系材料研究开发中心)
  • *1上智大学理工学部
  • 2008年秋季钢铁协会学会大会要旨(氢脆)CAMP-ISIJ Vol.21(2008)-1376

3.Understanding of Passivation Mechanism in Heterojunction c-Si Solar Cells

  • Michio Kondo*1, Stefaan De Wolf*1*2, and Hiroyuki Fujiwara*1
  • *1)RCPV, AIST, Umezono, Tsukuba, 305-8568, Japan, *2)Institute of Microtechnique, University of Neuchatel
  • Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol.1066, 2008 Materials Research Society, 1066-A03-01


1.Internal structure transition of spin-on glass by electron beam irradiation

  • Makoto Araki*1, Jun Taniguchi*2, Nobuo Sawada*3, Takayuki Utsumi*1, Iwao Miyamoto*2
  • *1 Department of Electronics and Computer Science,Tokyo University of Science, *2 Department of Applied Electronics,Tokyo University of Science, *3 ESCO Ltd.
  • Applied Surface Science,253,5191-5195(2007)


  • 浅冈宪三
  • 德岛大学研究生院健康生物科学研究部生物材料工学领域
  • 牙科材料与器械,26,334(2007)

3.Influence of Thermal Annealing on Microstructures of Zinc Oxide Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering

  • Takahiro HIRAMATSU*1*3, Mamoru FURUTA*2*3, Hiroshi FURUTA*2*3,Tokiyoshi MATSUDA*2*3, and Takashi HIRAO*2*3
  • *1 Kochi Casio Co., Ltd., Nankoku, Kochi 783-0062, Japan *2 Research Institute, Kochi University of Technology, Kami, Kochi 782-8502, Japan *3 Kochi Industrial Promotion Center, Kami, Kochi 782-8502, Japan
  • Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 46, No. 6A, 2007, pp. 3319?3323

4.Diffusion properties of point defects in barium strontium titanate thin films.

  • Morito K*1, Suzuki T*1, Kishi H, Sakaguchi I*2, Ohashi N*2*3, Haneda H*2*3
  • *1)Taiyo Yuden Company Ltd.,*2)Nat. Inst. for Mater. Sci.,*3)Department of Applied Science for Electronics and Materials, Kyusyu University
  • IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectrorics Freq Control. 2007 Dec;54(12):2567-73.

5.Chlorinated Nanocrystalline TiO2 Powders via One-Step Ar/O2 Radio Frequency Thermal Plasma Oxidizing Mists of TiCl3 Solution: Phase Structure and Photocatalytic Performance

  • Ji-Guang Li, Masashi Ikeda, Chengchun Tang, Yusuke Moriyoshi, Hiromi Hamanaka, and Takamasa Ishigaki
  • *1)Nano Ceramics Center, National Institute for Materials Science, *2)Department of Materials Science, Hosei University, *3)Nanoscale Materials Center, National Institute for Materials Science
  • J. Phys. Chem. C, 2007, 111 (49), pp 18018-18024

6.Internal structure transition of spin-on glass by electron beam irradiation.

  • Makoto Araki*1, Jun Taniguchi*2, Nobuo Sawada*3, Takayuki Utsumi*1 and Iwao Miyamoto*2
  • *1)Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Tokyo University of Science, *2)Department of Applied Electronics, Tokyo University of Science, *3)ESCO Ltd.
  • Applied Surface Science, 253(12), pp.5191-5195(2007)

7.Metal induced hydrogen effusion from amorphous silicon

  • Hiromasa Ohmi*1, Kiyoshi Yasutake*1, Yoshinori Hamaoka*2, and Hiroaki Kakiuchi*2
  • *1)Department of Precision Science and Technology and Research Center for Ultra Precision Science and Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University *2)Department of Precision Science and Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
  • Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 241901 (2007)



(Assessment of the hydrogen in some medium-strength aluminum alloys)

  • 伊藤吾朗(G.Itoh)*1,铃木智弥(T.Suzuki)*1,泉孝裕(T.Izumi)*1,伊藤伸英(N.Itoh)*1,崔祺(Q.Cui)*2,堀川修平(S.Horikawa)*3,井波隆夫(T.Inami)*4
  • *1茨城大学(Ibaraki University)、*2三菱铝(株)(Mitsubishi AluminumCompany,Ltd.)、*3电子科学(株)(ESCO,Ltd.)、*4(社)日本铝协会(JapanAluminium Association)
  • 日本轻金属学会主办的第112届春季讲座大会(The 112th Conference of Japan Institute of Light Metals by The Japan Institute of Light Metals)

(Thermal desorption spectroscopy study on the hydrogen trapping states in a pure aluminum.)

  • 伊藤吾朗1,泉孝裕1,堀川修平2
  • *1茨城大学(Ibaraki University),*2电子科学(ESCO,Ltd.)
  • (社)日本轻金属学会主办的第113回秋季讲座大会(The 113th Conference of Japan Institute of Light Metals by The Japan Institute of Light Metals)

3.Influence of Hydrogen Permeability of Liner Nitride Film on Program/Erase Endurance of Split-Gate Type Flash EEPROMS

  • Ziyuan Liu*1, Shinji Fujieda*2, Fumihiko Hayashi*3, Masakuni Shimizu*3, Masashi Nakata*3,Hirokazu Ishigaki*3,Markus Wilde*4, and Katsuyuki Fukutan*4
  • *1Test and Analysis Engineering Division, NEC Electronics Croporation, *2 System Devices Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation, *3 2nd Microcomputer Division, NEC Electronics Croporation, *4Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo

(Effect of plastic deformation on the states of hydrogen in a 6061 alminum alloy)

  • 伊藤吾朗(G.Itoh)*1,铃木智弥(T.Suzuki)*1,泉孝裕(T.Izumi)*1,伊藤伸英(N.Itoh)*1,薮田均(H.Yabuta)*2
  • *1茨城大学(Ibaraki University)、*2(社)日本铝协会(Japan Aluminium Association)
  • (社)日本轻金属学会主办的第113回秋季讲座大会(The 113th Conference of Japan Institute of Light Metals by The Japan Institute of Light Metals)

5.Damage-free Etching Processes of Low Dielectric (Low-k) Films Using the Neutral Beam

  • 寒川诚二*1,阵内佛霖*1
  • *1东北大学流体科学研究所
  • Materials Research Society 2007 SPRING MEETING

6.Hydrogen Degradation Property of Electrochemically Charged Aluminum.

  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Daisuke Kobayashi, Kenichi Takai and Yukito Hagihara
  • 上智大学理工学部机能创造理工学科
  • Materials Research Society 2007 FALL MEETING



1.P-type activation of AlGaN by hydrogen desorption using catalytic Ni films

  • T.Naono*1,H.Fujioka*2,J.Okabayashi*3,M.Oshima*3,H.miki*4
  • *1)Department of Applied Chemistry,The University of Tokyo, *2)Institute of Industrial Science,The University of Tokyo and Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology, *3)Department of Applied Chemistry,The University of Tokyo, *4)Showa Denko KK
  • APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,88(15),152114(2006)

2.Modeling Thermal Desorption Analysis of Hydrogen in Steel

  • M.Enomoto*1, D.Hirakami*2, T.Tarui*2
  • *1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University, Hitachi 316-8511 Japan *2 Stell Research Laboratories, Nippon Steel Corporation, Chiba 293-8511 Japan
  • ISIJ International, Vol46(2006),No.9pp.1381-1387

3.Step-wise decomposition process of azobenzene self-assembled monolayers

  • M. Onoue*1, M.R. Han*1, E. Ito*1 and M. Hara*1*2
  • *1)Local Spatio-Temporal Functions Laboratory, Frontier Research System, RIKEN, *2)Interdisciplinary School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Surface Science, 600(18), pp.3999-4003(2006)

4.Urea Coordinated Titanium Trichloride TiIII[OC(NH)2]6Cl3: A Single Molecular Precursor Yielding Highly Visible Light Responsive TiO2 Nanocrystallites

  • Ji-Guang Li, Xiaojing Yang, and Takamasa Ishigaki
  • *1)National Institute for Materials Science, Nano Ceramics Center, *2)National Institute for Materials Science, Advanced Materials Laboratory, *3)College of Chemistry, P.O. Box S-46, Beijing Normal University
  • J. Phys. Chem. B, 2006, 110 (30), pp 14611-14618

5.Thermal-desorption induced enhancement and patterning of ultraviolet emission in chemically grown ZnO

  • Rongguo Xie*1*2, Dongsheng Li*1, Deren Yang*1*4, Takashi Sekiguchi*2 and Minhua Jiang*1*3
  • *1)State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, People’s Republic of China, *2)Nanomaterials Laboratory, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba 305-0047, Japan, *3)State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, People’s Republic of China ,*4)Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed
  • Nanotechnology 17(2006)2789-2793

6.Temperature programmed desorption of F-doped SnO2 films deposited by inverted pyrosol technique

  • S. Aukkaravittayapun*1, C. Thanachayanont*1, T. Theapsiri*2, W. Veerasai*2, Y. Sawada*3, T. Kondo*3, S. Tokiwa*4 and T. Nishide*4
  • *1)National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC), *2)Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, *3)Department of Industrial Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University, *4)Department of Materials Chemistry and Engineering, College of Nihon University
  • Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 85 (2006) 3, 811-815

7.Pure germanium nitride formation by atomic nitrogen radicals for application to Ge metal-insulator-semiconductor structures

  • Tatsuro Maeda*1, Tetsuji Yasuda*1, Masayasu Nishizawa*1, Noriyuki Miyata*1, Yukinori Morita*1, Shinichi Takagi*1*2
  • *1)MIRAI Project, ASRC-AIST, *2)The University of Tokyo
  • JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 100,014101 (2006)

8.Solution-processed silicon films and transistors

  • Tatsuya Shimoda*1, Yasuo Matsuki*2, Masahiro Furusawa*1, Takashi Aoki*1, Ichio Yudasaka*1, Hideki Tanaka*1, Haruo Iwasawa*2, Daohai Wang*2, Masami Miyasaka*1, Yasumasa Takeuchi*2
  • *1)Technology Platform Research Center, Seiko Epson Corporation, *2)Fine Electronic Research Laboratories, JSR Corporation
  • Nature LETTERS, Vol.440, 6 April 2006, doi;10.1038/nature04613



  • 桐原望、山田纮树、铃木启史、高井健一、萩原行人
  • 上智大学理工学部机能创造理工学科
  • 第138回日本金属学会讲演概要(2006春季):J1


  • 伊藤英辅*1,Jaegeun Noh*2,原正彦*1,*3
  • *1(独)理化学研究所局部时空,*2汉阳大学化学,*3东工大综合理工
  • 第53届应用物理学联合讲座(2006春季)24p-N-8


  • 志摩秀和、木村千春、青木秀充、杉野隆
  • 大阪大学研究生院工学研究科
  • 第53届应用物理学联合讲座(2006春季)24a-Q-9

4.Effect of Surface Oxide Films on Degradation of Titanium

  • 浅冈宪三*1,前岛邦光*2
  • *1 德岛大学大学院健康生物科学研究部,*2电子科学(株)

5.Surface Passivation Properties of Stacked Doped PECVD a-Si:H Layers for Hetero-Structure c-Si Solar Cells.

  • Stefaan De Wolf Michio Kondo
  • Res. Center for Photovoltaics, Nat. Inst. of Adv. Ind. Sci. & Technol.
  • 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, pp.1469-1472(2006)



  • 石川刚
  • 宾得(株)新陶瓷事业部开发部
  • J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 113,788(2005)


  • 浅冈宪三*1,前岛邦光*2
  • *1 德岛大学大学院健康生物科学研究部生物材料工学领域,*2电子科学株式会社
  • 牙科材料和器械,24,439(2005)

3.Temperature Dependence of Porogen Desorption from Low-k Porous Silica Filmes Incorporated with Ethylene Groups

  • Yasutaka UCHIDA, Yoshiyuki MARUYAMA, Tomohiro KATOH, Yoshito ITO and Koichi ISHIDA
  • Department of Media Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Teikyo University of Science and Technology
  • Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 44,2316(2005)


  • 内田恭敬*1,大平俊行*2,铃木良一*2,丸山喜之*1,加藤智博*1,石田宏一*1
  • *1 帝京科学大学理工学部,*2产业技术综合研究所计量前沿研究部门
  • 信学技报TECHNICAL REPORT OF IEICE.SDM2004-238.17(2007)

5.Interstitial oxygen molecules in amorphous SiO2. I. Quantitative concentration analysis by thermal desorption, infrared photoluminescence, and vacuum-ultraviolet optical absorption

  • Koichi Kajihara*1, Masahiro Hirano*1, Motoko Uramoto*2, Yukihiro Morimoto*2, Linards Skuja*3, Hideo Hosono*4
  • *1 Tokyo Institute of Technology, *2Research and Development Center, Ushio Inc., *3Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia *4Materials and Structures Laboratory and Frontier Collaborative Research Center
  • J. Appl. Phys. 98, 013527 (2005); DOI:10.1063/1.1943504 Published 11 July 2005



  • 荒木真*1,谷口淳*2,宫本岩男*2,泽田信雄*3
  • *1 东京理科大学基础工学研究科电子应用工学专业,*2东京理科大学基础工学部电子应用工学专业,*3电子科学(株)
  • 2005年度精密工学会春季大会,


  • 浅冈宪三*1,前岛邦光*2
  • *1 德岛大学生物材料,*2电子科学(株)
  • 第27届日本生物材料学会(2005):B-405


  • 尾上美纪*1,Mina Han*1,伊藤英辅*1,原正彦*1,*2
  • *1 理研局部时空机能,*2东工大综合理工
  • 第52届应用物理学联合讲座(2005):29p-YB-9


  • 浅冈宪三*1,前岛邦光*2,濑崎英孝*3
  • *1 德岛大学·生物材料,*2电子科学(株),*3德岛大学·工·机械
  • 第45届日本牙科理工学会学术演讲会(2005):A-13
  • 牙科材料·器械,载于24(2),79(2005)


  • 内田恭敬*1,大平俊行*2,铃木良一*2,丸山喜之*1,加藤智博*1,石田宏一*1
  • *1 帝京科学大学理工学部,*2产业技术综合研究所计量前沿研究部门
  • 应用物理学会硅技术分科会要旨集,16(2005)

6.Application of Gold-Tin Solder Paste for Fine Parts and Devices

  • Masayuki Ishikawa, Hayato Sasaki, *Satoko Ogawa, Masayoshi Kohinata, Akifumi Mishima, Hideaki Yoshida
  • Development Section, Sanda Plant, Advanced Products Strategic Company, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
  • 2005 Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 701
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